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Digital Nomad Visa in Romania - Applicable from 2022 - New Rules!

If there were many discussions around the Romanian digital nomad visa at the end of last year, now that we have the approved law, we have observed some different conditions than expected.

What are the conditions to fulfil to obtain a digital nomad visa?

Under Romanian law, a "digital nomad" means:

  • the foreigner employed at a company registered outside Romania, who provides services, through the use of technology; OR

  • the foreigner owning a company registered outside Romania, within which they provide services, through the use of technology,

AND can carry out their activity as an employee or owner of their company remotely.

It is also requested that the foreign company owned by the applicant have been opened at least three years before the application. (Hopefully, there will be space for reconsidering such a condition in time.)

Moreover, another condition is for the digital nomad to have earned six months before the application and make for the entire period for the visa approx. 3699 euro/month.

The rule is dependent on the value of the average gross monthly Romanian salary, namely for the digital nomad to have earned and expect to earn at least three times this value. After a new law that entered into force by the end of December 2021, the average gross monthly Romanian salary grew to a value of 6.095 lei, the equivalent of 1233 euro (at the date of this article).

What documents do you need to submit or present together with the application?

The applicant must submit or present to the authorities several documents, the burden of proof remaining considerably high.

Among these documents, here are some of them:

  • the original of the employment contract concluded with their employer (the company registered outside Romania) by which to prove the provision of services remotely, by use of technology OR the proof of remote administration and by use of technology of the owned company (the foreign company opened at least three years before the visa application). The document must have attached the authenticated translation in Romanian.

  • a document issued by the employer or applicant's company wherein to state the identification and contact data of the company, its field of activity, the participation of the applicant in the company, and information on the company's legal representatives. The document must have attached the authenticated translation in Romanian.

  • a letter of intent detailing the purpose of the trip to Romania and the activities the applicant intends to carry out while living here. Also, the letter must have attached the authenticated translation in Romanian.

  • in original, a document issued by the competent authorities from the place of the applicant's fiscal residence, certifying that, on the date of the visa application,

  1. the employed foreigner

  2. or the company the foreigner owns

has paid all taxes and contributions up to date, and it is not registered with documents and facts that have had the effect of tax evasion and tax fraud. The paper must be apostilled or supra-legalized and contain an authenticated Romanian translation depending on the issuing country.

  • the proof of a valid travel ticket to the destination OR the driving license, the green card, the registration documents of the means of transport and the proof of itinerary, in the case the applicant enters Romania by car;

  • medical insurance for the entire period of the visa, valid on the territory of Romania and with coverage of at least EUR 30,000;

  • the proof of the applicant's revenues obtained from the activity carried out, in the amount of at least three times the average gross monthly salary in Romania for each of the last six months before the date of the submission of the application, as well as for the entire period of the visa, namely at least approx. 3699 euro/month;

  • the proof of accommodation;

  • a criminal record certificate or another document of the same legal value issued by the authorities of the country of origin and, if applicable, of the state in which the applicant is legally resident and where they obtain the income, proving that there are no records of criminal acts. The paper must be apostilled or supra-legalized and contain an authenticated Romanian translation depending on the issuing country.

The authorities have the right to request other documents of proof if considered necessary.

As Romania is just at the beginning of providing a digital nomad visa, authorities will probably explain part of these conditions and documents in time.

Until then, Romania is now among the European Union countries which provide a digital nomad visa!

The content of this article was developed by Legally Remote and has a strictly informative and general purpose, the information contained does not constitute legal advice.

If you need legal assistance for your business at the beginning of the journey, schedule a consultation call. Together with my team, I help you get rid of the stress of documents and give you time to deal with the important things for your business.